Battlelords 1.2
Battlelords was a freeware turnbased strategy game designed for Windows 9x und MSDOS systems, developed by Horizont Entertainment.
- Turnbased gameplay
- More than 30 different units in land-, sea- and airforce
- Vast range of tactically influencing terrain
- Up to 8 players (human and/or CPU in any combination)
- Play-by-mail functionality
- Additional free scenario downloads

Downloads and Emulation
While the graphics are of a different era, the immersion of the gameplay is still appealing to freeware fans all around the globe.
Here is what people have had to say about Battlelords:
“Battlelords is a great strategy game to which have been dedicated much hard work and a lot of time. And this shows.”
“Battlelords is one of the best freeware strategy war games I have ever played.”
You can download the exe files here:
Please note that Battlelords, like many of the classic DOS based programs, does not natively support Windows XP or newer Windows versions.
It is however still possible to run the program in one of the various DOS emulators that are available also as freeware. For example, visit the website of DOSBox at its open source home http://dosbox.sourceforge.net.
Due to the small filesize, we are providing all additional scenarios in one single file, rather than each one individual, even though they were initially released as stand-alone add-ons to the game.
Simply download our scenpack and extract it into the batlords directory and the game will automatically recognize them.
Please note that while you may play each scenario independently, not every unit will be available in each scenario to ensure gameplay balance.